This documentary explores the last ten years of Rudolf Nureyev’s life, during which he battled increasing ill-health and his own physical decline, until his death from AIDS in January 1993. The film begins with Nureyev’s appointment to the role of Director of Dance at the Paris Opera, with people including Patricia Ruanne, Patrice Bart, Elisabeth Platel and Jack Lang (former French Minister of Culture) reflecting on the cultural changes Nureyev initiated. Friends and colleagues also give their accounts of Nureyev’s emotional return to Russia in 1987 and his subsequent visit to dance with the Kirov as his physical strength was visibility deteriorating.
The program also looks at Nureyev’s abortive foray into American musical theatre with The King and I, before turning to the emotionally-charged premiere of his production of La Bayadere, created on the Paris Opera Ballet during the last months of his life. Despite a score that is heavy on the weeping strings and some inflated testimonies, this film is a worthwhile record of Nureyev’s final years and a moving tribute to a great artist. Directed by Teresa Griffiths, 1997.
Region Code: Check prior to purchase
Format & Aspect Ratio: NTSC / PAL, 16:9 within 4:3
Number of discs: 1
Run time: 51 minutes
Studio: Warner Music / Kultur
First release date: 1997