Leftovers on eBay

June 2023

Nab a notecard, grab a greeting card! Forgive a quick promo for my exhibition remainder stock, now listed on eBay.

Synopsis – ‘The Audition’

October 2021

Five people are brought together under the watchful eye of the Supervisor. Who are they? What are they competing for? And what will happen to the candidate who passes The Audition … ?

Synopsis – Regency Fair

July 2021

What happens when you commit to a career researching ballet, but you’re also bored, irked and fed up to the back teeth with ballet’s endless literary adaptions and rehashes of the classics? Simple. You write your own bloody ballets. Here’s one of mine.

Discovering and rediscovering Anne Elder

Not every dancer has the chance to be the subject of a dedicated biography, but every biography for a dancer is a contribution to our records for the future. This post salutes Anne Elder, one time dancer and accomplished Australian poet, whose memories of the Borovansky Ballet have been quietly published in a new biography.

Save the date for “Hoofing It!”

15 June 2019

Cheer up a wintry Saturday this June. Come along to the Melbourne Arts Centre where I’ll be speaking on ballet at Astley’s Circus. There’ll be dancing on stage and on horseback – historically speaking, of course!

Mao’s Last Dancer: The exhibition

15 August 2018

Dancer Li Cunxin is famously known as Mao’s Last Dancer after his best-selling biography. This winter Melbourne’s Immigration Museum hosts an exhibition on the man and his career (so far!).

The Simonet Experiment

It began as an experiment. The idea was to create activity sheets for dance students that would bring ballet’s history to life. Adelaide Simonet stepped up to be the prototype, and here she is, FREE to download and ready for feedback!

Court to Kitsch – a real original!

18 March 2017

It’s elegant, informative and full of little surprises – From Court to Kitsch opened yesterday, on a perfect Autumn day that saw our bright magenta flags out front fluttering merrily in the breeze.

Four Ballerinas and a Tea Tray

Next month’s exhibition From Court to Kitsch features an illustration of Perrot’s celebrated Pas de Quatre, the all-stars romantic ballet that dazzled Londoners in 1845. So it’s a timely moment to revisit my blog for The Australian Ballet, and wipe the dust off THAT tea tray!

And who is Carlotta?

She created a world of dainty ballerinas, posed in perpetual arabesques in misty scenes from the ballet classics. Think Les Sylphides in your hallway, Swan Lake in the master bedroom. Welcome to the world of Carlotta Edwards, the woman who turned art into ballet kitsch and kitsch into ballet art…

Places to Go, Objects to See

From boutique museums to national archives, ballet’s treasures are in all sorts of places. Here are some of the best-known venues that regularly showcase their dance collections.

Gartering Applause: Vestrimania in London, 1780-81

Vestris garters, anyone? What about a length of Vestris blue ribbon? Hey, is that a “Vestris grin” you’re giving me?! In the early winter of 1780, ‘Vestris’ became the buzz word of fashionable London. Discover the story behind some very whacky merchandise and explore Auguste Vestris’ influence on ballet in Britain …